• Laptop keyboard with plant growing on it. Green IT computing concept. Carbon efficient technology. Digital sustainability . High quality photo

Sustainability and circular economy in professional schools in the wood-furniture sector

What are the skills required of young carpenters and woodworkers to increase their knowledge and awareness of sustainability and the circular economy?

After the analysis of the current state of the wood furniture sector in Europe, and the collection of information regarding the skills, knowledge and skills related to the Sustainable Transition needed for workers in the sector in the coming years, the survey and the collection of references focuses on the stakeholders of the Wood-Furniture sector.

The initiative is part of the activities of the European Wood Circle project which aims to develop a digital and multimedia training course on the subject of environmental sustainability for the furniture sector, aimed at high school and professional school students and young workers in the sector. This path follows the WOODIGITAL project, dedicated to strengthening digital skills; both projects intend to fully respond to the new needs introduced by the Twin Transition in terms of digitization and circularity.

The topics that will be developed within the training courses will deal with new circular business models, innovative materials, legislation for environmental sustainability and sustainable processes as well as eco-design and product circularity.

The survey to outline the skills of the woodworker expert in Circular Economy is online.

In recent weeks, together with FLA and partners from all over Europe, an online questionnaire was finalized and made available to companies, training centers and students to investigate which skills and competences are considered essential for the woodworker expert in the Circular Economy .

To take part in the project you can fill out the questionnaire available at the following link: https://forms.gle/9tYLAP2SnRfKJK8dA


To know more: Progetto Woodcircle